AASECT Supervision

I provide both individual and group AASECT supervision

I have a 4-6 month waitlist for individual supervision. A 50 minute supervision session is $170. Please email me to get on the waitlist and then we'll schedule a brief phone call to make sure my supervision will meet your needs.

I have three online supervision groups that are held on:

  • 2nd Tuesdays of the month

  • 3rd Tuesdays of the month

  • 4th Tuesdays of the month

  • 10am-12pm MST

Each group is 2 hours with 4 supervisees. Everyone will be given 30 minutes per group session to present a case. You'll be able to count 2 full hours (per group session) for your AASECT certification or recertification. 

Important info: 

  • These are online groups

  • If you join this group, you'll need to commit to 3 consecutive sessions

  • The cost of each 2 hour group is $170

If you are interested in joining any of these supervision groups, please email me at jordan@jordanrullo.com and then we'll schedule a brief phone call to make sure the group will meet your needs.

Peer Consultation

If you do NOT need supervision and are simply interested in Peer Consultation for sexual health cases, please email me. I can usually fit you in within 1-2 weeks.

  • The cost of a 50-minute Peer Consultation is $170