Sexy Talk: Taking Back the “O” after breast cancer

Join me on April 29th for Image Reborn’s 2023 Breast Cancer Conference, focusing on regaining your self-confidence and reclaiming your sex life after breast cancer. Read Image Reborn’s conference advertisement below:

Breast cancer changes a lot of things- especially with how you feel about your body.

It's normal to feel a little "out of whack" with your body after your breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. It's ok to have concerns about sexuality and it's ok to feel less comfortable with your body now. Your body may look and/or feel different, and even if you haven't had surgery - other treatments including chemotherapy and hormone therapy change your hormone levels and may affect your sexual interest and response.

These feelings are 100% normal. You are NOT alone!

Check out our shout out on Fresh Living here: KUTV Fresh Living for more info.


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